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新加坡 2024/25



新加坡 2024/25


日期 | 时间

2025年 2月 21日 星期五 | 7:15pm - 9:30pm
2025年 2月 22日 星期六 | 9:30am - 5:30pm


以琳堂 Elim Church
1079 Serangoon Road, Singapore 328182


个人 - $90/人
团体(四人以上) - $75/人
个人 - $90/人


电子手册, 午餐 和 茶点.

我们 GLS24 的讲员

我们非常高兴地欢迎世界一流的教师来到 GLS24 新加坡,他们将帮助您以清晰的愿景和新的活力不断前进。


Craig Goeschel

  • Founder and Senior Pastor, Life.Church
  • Best-Selling Author

Globally recognized as a leader of leaders, Craig Groeschel is the founder and Senior Pastor of Life.Church, rated by Glassdoor as the #1 Place to Work for two consecutive years under his leadership. Known for their missional approach to leveraging the latest technology, Life.Church is the creator of the YouVersion Bible App—installed on more than half a billion unique devices worldwide. He is the host of the top-ranked “Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast.” A New York Times’ bestselling author, his latest book is “Think Ahead: 7 Decisions You Can Make Today for the God-Honoring Life You Want Tomorrow.”


  • Founder of the Strengths Revolution
  • Entrepreneur
  • Global Researcher

Marcus Buckingham is the world’s most prominent researcher on strengths, leadership and high performance at work. After spending two decades studying excellence at the Gallup Organization and co-creating the StrengthsFinder tool, he built his own software company focused on helping team leaders excel. Today he leads the ADP Research Institute’s global studies into people and performance at work. Buckingham is the author of two of the best-selling business books of all time, has two of Harvard Business Review’s most circulated, industry-changing cover articles, and has been the subject of in-depth profiles in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, Fortune, The Today Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show. His latest book, Love + Work, reveals the power of love to pinpoint a person’s true power, and shows how to turn this power into contribution, in life and in work.


  • Storytelling Expert
  • Best-Selling Author

Kindra Hall is a bestselling author and the former Chief Storytelling Officer of Success Magazine. She has become the go-to expert for storytelling in business and beyond. Gartner and Forbes said her debut book, “Stories that Stick,” “may be the most valuable business book you read.” Releasing in May 2024, her newest book, “The Story Edge: How Leaders Harness the Power of Stories to Win in Business,” helps leaders to better communicate with and inspire their teams and organizations. Hall has helped shape the stories of global brands including Target, Univision, United Way, USO and Farmers Insurance. She inspires teams and individuals to better communicate the value of their company, their products and their individuality through strategic storytelling.


  • Founder, The Arena Mastermind for Optimal Performance
  • Best-Selling Author

Erwin Raphael McManus is an award-winning author and artist. His books have sold over one million copies and have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His creative genius has resulted in consulting work with organizations spanning from the NFL to the Pentagon. McManus has spent the last 30 years advising and coaching CEOs, professional athletes, billion-dollar companies, universities and world-leaders, and he is passionate
about helping people destroy their internal limitations and unlock their personal genius. A native of El Salvador, McManus is also recognized internationally as the founder of Mosaic, a faith movement from Los Angeles that has inspired millions across the globe. McManus coaches leaders, entrepreneurs and communicators worldwide through The Arena as well as his groundbreaking work on The Art of Communication. His newest book, “The 7 Frequencies of Communication,” will be released in summer 2024.


  • First Female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot in the U.S. Navy
  • Best-Selling Author

Carey Lohrenz was the first female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot in the U.S. Navy and has flown missions worldwide as a combat-mission-ready pilot. She is the former President of the Women Military Aviators Association and currently serves as a Board Leadership Fellow for the National Association of Corporate Directors. Lohrenz uses her experience working in fast moving, dynamic environments—where inconsistent execution can generate catastrophic results—to guide others in the fundamentals of winning under pressure, reducing errors and overcoming obstacles. Lohrenz is a bestselling author and has helped brands including Cisco, Raytheon, Dell, Deloitte, Verizon and AT&T. She is currently working on her master’s in business administration in strategic leadership.


  • Founder of the Strengths Revolution
  • Entrepreneur
  • Global Researcher

Will Guidara is the author of the National Bestseller “Unreasonable Hospitality,” which chronicles the lessons
in service and leadership he has learned over the course of his career in restaurants. He is the former co-owner of the Manhattan restaurant Eleven Madison Park, which under his leadership received four stars from the New York Times, three Michelin stars, and in 2017 was named #1 on the list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Guidara is the host of the Welcome Conference, an annual hospitality symposium that brings together like-minded people to share ideas, inspire one another and connect to form community. A graduate of the hospitality school at Cornell University, he has co-authored four cookbooks, was named one of Crain’s New York Business’s 40 Under 40 and is the recipient of WSJ Magazine’s Innovator Award.


  • Former Top Sports Agent
  • Podcast Host
  • Best-Selling Author

Hailed as the “female Jerry Maguire” by CNN, Molly Fletcher made a name for herself as one of the first female sports agents. During her almost two-decade career as President of CSE, Fletcher negotiated over $500 million in contracts and represented over 300 of sports’ biggest names, including Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz, PGA Tour golfer Matt Kuchar, broadcaster Erin Andrews and basketball champion coaches Tom Izzo and Doc Rivers. Today she is a World’s Top 50 Keynote Speaker, and her TED Talk “Secrets of a Champion Mindset” has more than one million views. As host of the popular podcast “Game Changers with Molly Fletcher,” she interviews experts and celebrities in every field. Fletcher is the founder of Game Changer Performance Group training company and the author of five books, most recently “The Energy Clock.” Her newest book, “Dynamic Drive,” will be released in September 2024.



  • Harvard Professor
  • Best-Selling Author

Arthur C. Brooks is the Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Public and Nonprofit Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and Professor of Management Practice at the Harvard Business School, where he teaches courses on leadership and happiness. He is also a columnist at The Atlantic, where he writes the popular “How to Build a Life” column. Brooks is the author of 13 books, including the 2023 #1 New York Times bestseller “Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier” with co-author Oprah Winfrey, and the 2022 #1 New York Times bestseller “From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life.” He speaks to audiences all around the world about human happiness and works to raise well-being within private companies, universities, public agencies and community organizations.





您的影响力每天都会影响您周围的人 - 无论好坏,无论大小.




当您投资发展领导技能时,您也回馈了周围的每个人。 您可以加强人际关系,在团队中建立信任,为更美好的未来而创新,并以全新的视角直面挑战——不仅您会蓬勃发展,您的家庭、企业、教会和社区也会蓬勃发展




全球领导力峰会发表了领导力见解,与会者报告了积极的成果(基于 Excellence in Giving 的独立研究)。


Synergy is when the whole team comes together for GLS. We begin to speak the same language and see the same vision.

– Benjamin

I've learnt to connect with my older leaders - especially over the struggles we face together. Learnt about the mistakes I've made as a leader and the tools to change.

– Anonymous

It has been always very timely in giving perspectives and insights and solutions to the problems and challenges in ministry. I am greatly indebted to this conference. It's impact to me as a leader and those whom I lead is unmeasurable.

– Anonymous

Inspire and continually encourage me to stay faithful, to serve, be a servant leader, and a godly leader for my church and community.

- Chan Lu Ee, return attendee

First time, this is a fantastic conference. Very effective time as nearly the entire church leadership attended together.

– Nijendra

Confidence gained from the assurance that we all continuously learn and skills can be acquired to do better.

– Michael

Shaping of the Axe every time I attend the GLS. seeing new perspectives and new ideas about leadership skills. will come again.

- Deacon


哪些讲员会出现在新加坡 GLS 峰会?

最终提选的讲员名单将于每年 9 月公布。​



该如何更好地支持 GLS 新加坡峰会和全球领导力网络?

报名参加 GLS,赠送门票给从未参加过峰会的朋友,并在您各自的社交圈中积极宣传峰会 – 参加峰会从没有如此实惠和便利!​


每一位参加 GLS 的人都需要自己的门票吗?

是的。我们要求参加 GLS 的每个人都必须持有个人门票。这将确保我们作为非营利组织的持续生存空间,并让我们能够继续以非常实惠的价格提供参加峰会的机会。​

GLS 峰会报名包括哪些内容?

– 峰会手册(实体/数码版)​
– 午餐​


没有。我们已经刻意地降低了 GLS 的票价,以便让更多人体验峰会。​


不可以,所有 GLS 报名费均不可退款。​


